South sri lanka has more then 100 different surfpots for all levels of surfers. Our south sri lanka surf guide features 10 different surf area's and provides comprehensive information on each area, including surf pictures, surf season, ideal swell and wind conditions, level of skill required. With warm water temperatures, beautiful scenery, and friendly locals, the south of Sri Lanka is a unique and exciting destination.
While waves don't get to big they are often very clean they are the ideal for longboarders, beginner and intermetdiate surfers. If you are an beginner or intermediate surfer you will be able to rent a surfboard along the south coast. As advanced / expert surfer we recommend to bring your own surfboard as performance shortboards are difficult to find. Per surf region we have a detailed guide where to rent surfboards, where to stay and where to surf.
The south sri lanka surf season runs from november until may. The best month to visit for surfing is January. As it offers it offers the most glassy conditions and winds are off-shore and combined with the best weather for a good stay.
South sri lanka off-season runs from june until of october. During this period the wind (on-shore) blows out all the surf making the surf conditions very messy and unsurfable.
All year round you can surf in boardshorts. The water temperature is around 28c all year round.
If you are visiting for less then one month don't expect big surf as overhead swells only arrive only a few days a month. But no matter your surf level, you will have a good time.
South sri lanka has 10 main area's. Some of them very crowded others completly empty. Best surfing towns are: Ahangama, Midigama, Mirrisa, Hirikatya, Madiha or Hikaduwa. Offering a big variety of places to stay and nice places to eat or party. Below the full south sri lanka surf map includuing a more detailed breakdown per surf region.
Not sure where to go? We have a surf spot guide based on your surf level!
Read: Best surf spots per levelIn Ahangama for every skill level there are amazing waves available, helping you to have fun and progress quickly. Ahangama has a varaity of different surf breaks the most noticable breaks are The Rock located on the beach of kabalana and Sticks just outside busy town of Ahangama. Both offering amazing surf when its on. See our Ahangama guide for the full surf map.
In Midigama for every skill level there are amazing waves available, helping you to have fun and progress quickly. Midigama has some amazing waves most noticalby Rams, which often barrels with the right wind. Lazy right perfect intermediate surf spots, it even handels bigger swells located in the middle of the town.
Weligama is the perfect place for your first surfing lessons. The beach is almost 5km long and provides waves for every skill level. There are many surf schools ready to help you with your first surf lesson. The water is often dirty but the waves work year round. Most noticeable surf spots are Marriot and Fishermans (at the end of the bay towards). The Island is your best bet during the off-season.